MAME 0.142
03/04/2011 11:34 Filed in: Emulation
Long time gone now; it’s been nearly three months without our emulator of choice. So; the nice guys over at mamedev decided to release version 0.142. You can find it at the official site, while the UI version is on its way too.
Ti’s the season boys! Happy romhunting!
Ti’s the season boys! Happy romhunting!
iPad - Sold!
25/02/2011 23:41 Filed in: General
Remember my 64Gb Ipad last year? Well, it’s no more. I decided to sell it for a cut-price to a friend that he will use it more than I did. I must admit that this piece of hardware served its purpose for me. I found out how the gestures work, loaded up a hell of a lot of apps, but still; I never managed to get used to it on a day-by-day basis. Instead; I am carrying around mostly my Sony VaioP25G on which (guess) I have loaded up OSX. The most annoying thing about it is its GMA500 intel VGA card.
Take my advice: If you are into the hackintosh gig DO NOT take a laptop/netbook with this VGA embedded. The most you can take out of it (afaik) is native (1600x768x32bit) framebuffer desktop. No Quartz Extreme nor Core Image.
There seems to be a Korean guy that managed to take a video of his VaioP with full acceleration support
I don’t know how he managed; I don’t speak Korean either, so anyone who might wanna help, please be my guest.
Take my advice: If you are into the hackintosh gig DO NOT take a laptop/netbook with this VGA embedded. The most you can take out of it (afaik) is native (1600x768x32bit) framebuffer desktop. No Quartz Extreme nor Core Image.
There seems to be a Korean guy that managed to take a video of his VaioP with full acceleration support
I don’t know how he managed; I don’t speak Korean either, so anyone who might wanna help, please be my guest.

MAME 0.141
07/01/2011 06:22 Filed in: Emulation
It was like I had something forgotten when I woke up this morning. I thought: “we have a brand new year; where’s the brand new MAME?” so I checked over at the official site, and guess what!? It waited for me there!!! Chances are that you may be already having the UI version also, but I had to remind you; just in case...

Happy New Year!
31/12/2010 21:41 Filed in: General
Despite all the economic problems, people have the urge to find reasons to celebrate. Even if the predictions for 2011 are not the most forthcoming (well; at least not for Greece...) we do have our hopes to keep us strong and willing. So; my best wishes for all of you and your families. Health and prosperity to everyone! Happy new year everybody!
MAME 0.140
27/10/2010 23:39 Filed in: Emulation