MAME 0.125u1 & u2
27/05/2008 20:42 Filed in: Emulation
Being on the last month for the final exams for Quantum Physics and several other extraterrestrial scientific stuff of the same family, I should be studying instead of posting news here. But, there is a significant reason as you may be able to predict!... Time has come for another game to be emulated! Yes, it's true; World Rally is now able to run again (this time on virtual hardware though). All you need is to pay a visit here. Enjoy.

MAME OSX 0.124
09/05/2008 00:58 Filed in: Emulation
One version behind the current Windows release, but yet it's news I always like to hear! OSX MAME v.0.124 is here for all your Macs out there. Dave Gribbin has it ready for you right here. Download and don't get your 0.124 roms updated just yet. Copy them to your Mac first! 

MAME 0.125
09/05/2008 00:11 Filed in: Emulation
The time came for an official release. Chances are that you will have to test all your favourite games since the source has suffered several changes, but, hey! That's why you're here for!. Talk is cheap, so rush for the binaries. The command-line release is here. MAME32 ui version is available here. Have a nice weekend.