MAME 0.112u3 source update
28/02/2007 01:52 Filed in: Emulation
MAME 0.112u2 source update
20/02/2007 18:11 Filed in: Emulation
Here's the second intermediate update after the milestone 0.112 version. There is still not a MAME32 source update due to the new 0.112u1 layout and truth is that there are certain things you should alter in the 0.112-32 source tree in order this (and the previous) version to compile without problems (if the produced binary's gonna work; well this is another story)
. Anyway I guess by the time you'll be reading this it's gonna be a new MAME32 source update out too. Right now you can get the latest MAME source diff from here and hope for the best.

MAME 0.112u1 source update
16/02/2007 00:14 Filed in: Emulation
After the 10-year milestone version, there's a brand new u1 out. I didn't have the time to compile just yet, nor scan for the changes. I am currently busy on making a full backup of the previous official release. As usual, the latest source diff is available at the official mamedev site. Enjoy.
10 Years of MAME!
07/02/2007 00:38 Filed in: Emulation
Well, it's hard to admit it, but there it is! Time flies quickly folks. There are 10 whole years since the first MAME release from Nicola Salmoria on Feburary 5, 1997. Ten years of fun and 'insert coins'. There's an 'anniversary' official release (MAME 0.112) which contains a whole lot of stuff. Most significant is the CPS2 decryption, but it's not the only one. Full speech and sound in 'Berzerk' and complete rewritten code for B&W Midway games. You can read more about this release here. It's been a great decade for me. I hope you had a pleasant one too... 
