MAME 0.111u1 source update
29/12/2006 04:56 Filed in: Emulation
This is what you get when you have left things back for the holidays... A new source update with a lot of changes is available at the official mamedev site. You should look forward the intermediate update of MAME32 source for u1 if you want the MAME32 version of the emulator. It's available here. Enjoy compiling and romhunting... 

Merry Christmas everybody!
26/12/2006 19:20 Filed in: General
I hope this post finds everyone with his/her family. I wish you and your beloved ones health, prosperity and love. May 2007 will have no wars, no hunger, no natural disasters. Let's all help this world become a better place for us and our children. Let's all use our car less, walk more, plant a tree... Ah, and don't forget to play old arcade games!!! 
Merry Christmas and a happy new year everybody!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year everybody!
The most addictive game...
23/12/2006 15:01 Filed in: Games
The link to this game was a 'gift' to me by my friend Badge. It's by far, the MOST irritating game I've ever played, but at the same time extremely addictive. It is supposed to make you use both hemispheres of your mind. You think you're smart enough to beat it? Give it a shot here.
MAME 0.111 is out
23/12/2006 01:09 Filed in: Emulation
After all those new chds, this is entitled "All your harddisks are belong to us". If you are into rom hunting, there's a great possibility that you won't be able to have a 100% complete set no matter how hard you're gonna try... Never mind; don't forget - it's Christmas and Santa may have a gift for you too at the end... Click here for the official site, where you may download the latest version... 

Welcome back to Gameland
23/12/2006 00:05 Filed in: General
It seems that our old server is dead and buried. Nothing to complain about though, it served it's purpose more than its computer guts could bare; for almost a decade. We are in a new home now and as you can understand there are a few things to move along from the old site. This is not as easy as it sounds, but hopefully, we'll manage to make it look good again.
Thanks for your understanding and Happy holidays to you all...
Thanks for your understanding and Happy holidays to you all...