Personal log...
24/05/2007 19:15 Filed in: General
There are a few changes in my personal life the past two weeks, which kept me from updating this site. I'd like to let you in most of this stuff, since I find them amusing; and hopefully you will like to get involved too.
Mac OSX86
This is not new, it's a task that kept me busy for the last few months. I'd define it as the way to transform an ordinary PC to a Mac-like machine able to run MAC OSX software. It's not as simple as it sounds and definitely needs a lot of work and RTFM study, in order to make it happen. Nevertheless, it will worth all the pain and loss of sleep you may lay on it. A nice place to start is an article I have posted about the subject to our friendly site, Don't expect accuracy, it's not there, since at the time it was written the knowledge base was somewhat limited. So, read without prejudice and follow the links. Hopefully I'll be able to support many of you if you have questions in the near future. The article is located here.
After 9 months of wait, a baby came in town. My best man Maddog (former poster in this site) became a father and guess what, I'll be the Godfather!
I must state here that this little guy is beautiful (and currently very hungry) and I'll personally make sure that he'll keep himself on the right side of the road (aka: retrogaming) 
My New iPod
On May 21, I had my nameday. I got lot of presents and a great deal of love from all my friends (thank you dearly). A present that I definitely couldn't resist was an iPod 5.5G (80gb) Video that I was offered. It's an amazing machine, but unfortunately it's not (currently) able to fulfill my 1st rule for any portable machine I own... to play MAME!
The thing is that every single other model of iPod is able to run a specific version of Linux that's capable to run a port of MAME, but due to some HD controller issue, the specific model is not able to recognize the ext3 partition at this moment. I'll wait and enjoy the rest of its capabilities for the moment and I'll keep you posted of any changes.
Mac OSX86
This is not new, it's a task that kept me busy for the last few months. I'd define it as the way to transform an ordinary PC to a Mac-like machine able to run MAC OSX software. It's not as simple as it sounds and definitely needs a lot of work and RTFM study, in order to make it happen. Nevertheless, it will worth all the pain and loss of sleep you may lay on it. A nice place to start is an article I have posted about the subject to our friendly site, Don't expect accuracy, it's not there, since at the time it was written the knowledge base was somewhat limited. So, read without prejudice and follow the links. Hopefully I'll be able to support many of you if you have questions in the near future. The article is located here.
After 9 months of wait, a baby came in town. My best man Maddog (former poster in this site) became a father and guess what, I'll be the Godfather!

My New iPod
On May 21, I had my nameday. I got lot of presents and a great deal of love from all my friends (thank you dearly). A present that I definitely couldn't resist was an iPod 5.5G (80gb) Video that I was offered. It's an amazing machine, but unfortunately it's not (currently) able to fulfill my 1st rule for any portable machine I own... to play MAME!

The thing is that every single other model of iPod is able to run a specific version of Linux that's capable to run a port of MAME, but due to some HD controller issue, the specific model is not able to recognize the ext3 partition at this moment. I'll wait and enjoy the rest of its capabilities for the moment and I'll keep you posted of any changes.
MAME 0.115u1 & u2 source updates
24/05/2007 18:53 Filed in: Emulation
There are a lot of changes since the official 0.115 release. After u1, here comes u2 which is considered as a major release. You can read more about it and download the source files from the usual place. Enjoy.
MAME 0.115 is out
07/05/2007 17:19 Filed in: Emulation
It's been a while since I have updated this site, in the meanwhile, there were two source updates and a final one! I'd charactrerize it as a Konami update, but this is not only that. Anyway, rush for the goods! The official release is available here. MAME32 ui version is available here. Enjoy!
MAME 0.114u3 source update
02/05/2007 16:58 Filed in: Emulation
It's about time for another update, this one adds more improvements to the konami emulation from Ville, also as several other fixes addressed from MAMETesters. If you're into the compiling game please treat yourselves to the latest u4 update to the main core. Update is available for download here.