Games people play
15/10/2010 17:33
Sadly, we people have very short memory. I reckon this to myself several times per day; sometimes it has to do with an algorithm I simply can’t remember, some other time it has to do with some historic-o-political event that I can’t quite recall.
Fortunately, I do have a personal mental assistant to this issue of mine and he is a live one; his name is Pantazis -Peter- Houlis an infamous mathematician and puzzle inventor, who -just by pure luck- has the same hobby with me: Arcade games... but not only that.

He has a great collection of puzzles and he invents some of the most impressive ones I have ever seen (even though I can’t manage to solve even a Rubic’s cube myself).
Lately, he added a small brick onto my amnesia wall serving me with the ability to remember (?) some of the ancient Greek puzzles this world knows. The pdf is in beta stage (not final) but he said to me I can post it for you here; so be my guest. Take your time; you’ll love it.
Thanks Peter!
Fortunately, I do have a personal mental assistant to this issue of mine and he is a live one; his name is Pantazis -Peter- Houlis an infamous mathematician and puzzle inventor, who -just by pure luck- has the same hobby with me: Arcade games... but not only that.

He has a great collection of puzzles and he invents some of the most impressive ones I have ever seen (even though I can’t manage to solve even a Rubic’s cube myself).
Lately, he added a small brick onto my amnesia wall serving me with the ability to remember (?) some of the ancient Greek puzzles this world knows. The pdf is in beta stage (not final) but he said to me I can post it for you here; so be my guest. Take your time; you’ll love it.
Thanks Peter!
The most addictive game...
23/12/2006 15:01
The link to this game was a 'gift' to me by my friend Badge. It's by far, the MOST irritating game I've ever played, but at the same time extremely addictive. It is supposed to make you use both hemispheres of your mind. You think you're smart enough to beat it? Give it a shot here.